Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Soal Fill The Blank Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Hai sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai contoh soal dalam bahasa inggris, contoh soal ini dapat membantu sahabat SBI untuk memahami materi bahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan text. So, langsung saja kita lihat soal dibawah ini ya sahabat SBI dan selamat mencoba untuk mengerjakan nya 🙂

Complete the following story with the correct words given in the box

Bahas Tuntas Soal Bahasa Inggris Persiapan Masuk SekolahTingkat SMP Terbaru 2016 Tes persiapan masuk sekolah jenjang SMP tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 pada ajaran baru ini akan di selenggarakan di masing-masing sekolah. Terkait hal tersebut, persiapan perlu dimatangkan khususnya pada kompetensi peserta didik, sehingga dalam menempuh Ujian Tertulis Masuk Sekolah tingkat SMP nantinya dapat berhasil.

  1. Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA dan Pembahasan. Read the following text and answer number 1-5! In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  2. Edisi ke sepuluh program Belajar di Rumah. Kali ini, soal dan pembahasan contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris. Program belajar di rumah merupakan kerja sama RCTV, Radar Cirebon Koran, Radar Cirebon Online dan Neutron Yogyakarta Cabang Cirebon.
  3. Hallo sahabat KBI, bingung mau belajar bahasa inggris tapi minim bahan atau materi? Disini admin akan memberikan solusi bagi sahabat KBI untuk belajar bahasa inggris khusus kelas 8 SMP, yuk langsung saja kita latihan mengenai soal-soal nya dalam bahasa inggris, check this out 🙂.
  • The fairies
  • flying
  • Tinker bell
  • the ground
  • the baby fairies
  • Fairy queen
  • The leaves
  • Thank you
  • wings
  • frightened

Tinkerbell The Teacher

The queen of all______sent for peter pan’s little friend tinker bell, one day. “In my palace there are two baby fairies who are ready to learn to fly, “said the fairy queen. “please teach them for me,_____”

Of course, every fairy has to do what the_____tells them to do. Tinker bell thought her job would be an easy one. she held one baby fairy in each arm ad flew with them to a tree. She put them on a branch and stood beside them.

“flap your_____and off you go! said tinker bell. the baby fairies just looked at tinker bell and they would not move!

“oh dear! thought tinker bell. “they are_____what shall I do?” now,____ were begining to fall from the tree and as two leaves floated down past tinker bell, the fairy had an idea. she picked two of the nearest leaves and she sat a baby fairy on each leaf. she gave the leaves a gentle push and the leaves floated down towards_____.

“wheeeeeee!” chuckled the babies. “what a lovely ride. Floating down through the air is very nice.” when the babies reached the ground , tinker bellflew down to them. “yes” she smiled, “it is nice to float through the air. now let’s see if you can do it without the leaves. “tinker bell took the babies to a high branch once more, then she said: “off you go!” this time, they did jump! “flap your wings!” called tinker bell.

The_____did flap their wings and how they enjoyed themselves! “we’re flying! we’re______” they called. “thank you, tinker bell_____.

Happy Studying Sahabat SBI 🙂

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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

Materi Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Tenses merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu (present, past, future) terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa.

12 Contoh Soal Tenses Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini. Gta guam unlock iphone.

  1. My father is so tired since he … our garden all day for planting vegetables.

    1. has prepared
    2. has been preparing
  2. At this time yesterday Reny and I … our classmate.

    1. were paying a call
    2. are paying a call
  3. He … the community college this night.

    1. wouldn’t be attending
    2. won’t be attending
  4. We sometimes … by chance in the convenience store.

    1. meets
    2. meet
  5. I had slept when you … last night.

    1. call
    2. called
  6. Never … such a funny joke.

    1. had I heard
    2. I had heard
  7. The class … the documentary film next monday.

    1. will have watched
    2. would have watched
  8. … the scholarship application?

    1. have you completed
    2. have you complete
  9. My brother … English course for six months by the end of this year.

    1. will have been taking
    2. will have taken
  10. It … sunny tomorrow.

    1. will
    2. will be
  11. Who … towards the post office?

    1. is walking
    2. walks
  12. They … for an hour before the doctor came.

    1. had been waiting
    2. waited

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris


  1. b. has been preparing present perfect continuous tense
  2. a. were paying a call past continuous tense
  3. b. won’t be attending future continuous tense
  4. b. meet simple present tense
  5. b. called simple past tense
  6. a. had I heard past perfect tense (inverted word order)
  7. a. will have watched future perfect tense
  8. a. have you completed present perfect tense
  9. a. will have been taking future perfect continuous tense
  10. b. will be simple future tense
  11. a. is walking present continuous tense
  12. a. had been waiting past perfect continuous tense

Materi Tenses Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Kurikulum 2013 Chapter ..
  1. Sequence of Tenses. Accessed on February 21, 2013.
  2. Verb Tenses. Accessed on February 21, 2013.

Contoh Resume Bahasa Inggris

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