Adguard 1.3.0 303 Rev.2 For Macos
Posting-Frequency: 61 days
Last-modified: May 23, 2017
Welcome to the comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup!
Atari 8-Bit Computers
Vendors and Developers List
'A comprehensive list of vendors, developers, publishers,
and repair shops for Atari 8-bit computers and their users'
Additions/suggestions/comments/corrections are needed! Please send to:
Michael Current,
Library Department, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
This document is in a constant state of development and comes with no
guarantees. If you see any problems, I need to hear from you!
The latest version of this document is posted to the following Usenet
newsgroups every 61 days:
comp.sys.atari.8bit, comp.answers, news.answers
Known web locations for the latest version of this document:
You may also request my latest working version at:
2017.05.23 RECOIL 4.0.0 (2017-05-17)
2017.04.02 BAKTRA Software: Turgen System 8.6.7
2017.02.20 MadTeam: Super Packer 5.7
2017.02.05 added: Edladdin Controllers
Subject: Introduction
All commercial vendors, developers, publishers, and repair shops should be
listed here. 'Active' PD/freeware/shareware developers should also be listed.
Persons or entities holding rights to products, but not selling or supporting
them in any way, should NOT be listed here.
'Vendor' = Reseller of products produced by others. Types of products
sold are given in categories: new hardware, used hardware, PD/freeware/
shareware, (new) commercial software, used (commercial) software.
'Developer' = Producer of products. Titles of products produced by the
developer are listed. No prices are given.
'Publisher' = Publishes a print or disk magazine, or a book. Complete
subscription or ordering information should be given, including prices.
Authorized online publishers of originally print or disk magazines are also
listed. Online books are not listed.
'Repair Shop' = Can repair 8-bit Atari or related hardware devices. Be
sure to make advance contact before sending anything to work on!
Entries are presented alphabetically by company name, or publication
title. If no company name exists, a personal name is used. 'See'
references indicate complete information may be found under the given
heading. 'See also' references indicate closely-related information may
be found under the given heading.
The month/year that vendor information was most recently fully verified is
given at the 'upper-right' of each entry.
Every entry should contain a valid postal address or web page address.
Entries do not include an email address due to the overwhelming amount of
spam that would result.
Internation Reply Coupons
The following is from: (2010.09.12)
About International Reply Coupons
When one writes to a stranger and requests a reply, it is considered polite to
enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. This works well when both persons
live in the same country; however, if they are from different countries, the
enclosed postage stamp will not be valid.
All member countries
This technical problem was solved in 1906 when the Universal Postal Union,
during its Congress in Rome, introduced the International Reply Coupon
service. As the service began before the days of airmail, the earliest
coupons could only be redeemed for a single-rate ordinary postage stamp to a
foreign country. In terms of today's UPU Convention, International reply
coupons (IRC) are exchangeable in all member countries for the minimum postage
of a priority item or an unregistered airmail letter sent to a foreign
Mandatory to exchange
The UPU's International Bureau processes several million coupons each year and
deals with of all accounting aspects. The International Bureau does not sell
IRCs directly to customers; they must buy them from their local post office.
Although Posts are not obliged to sell IRCs, it is mandatory for Posts to
exchange the coupons. If a Post does not sell IRCs, it is possible to
purchase them in a post office located in a neighbouring country.
Appearance in this list does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of
the business, individual, product, or service listed.
Verfications -> YOU!
This list is in a constant state of development, and comes with no
guarantees. Information of this nature constantly ages; therefore, the
information contained in this list is constantly updated. Please use the
latest release of this list whenever possible!
Remember, the success of this list is dependent on YOU, the reader, to
send me updates that correct errors that you find. If you use this
list, please do your part in keeping it useful for everyone!
Subject: A
4JAYS Video Games (Jay Colen) 5/10
519 W 4th St
Antioch CA 94509-1246
Vendor: new and used hardware and commercial software
8-Bit Classics (Corey Koltz) 5/15
126 E High St
Wautoma, WI 54982
Phone: (920) 786-8248
Vendor: Atari XL/XE APE Warp+ OS 32-in-1 Switchless Upgrade Module, Atari
XL/XE SIO2PC Universal Interface, Happy 1050 Upgrade for Atari 1050 Disk
Drive, MyIDE-II CompactFlash Interface for the Atari XL/XE
Developer: AV Cables: 5-Pin DIN to Composite AV Cable,n 5-Pin DIN to
Composite AV Converter Cable, Atari XL/XE 5-Pin DIN to Commodore 1702 AV
Cable, Atari XL/XE 5-Pin DIN to S-Video & Composite AV Cable, RF Connector.
A-ONE Online Magazine 6/16
See: Dana P. Jacobson
Atari Bit Byter User Club e.V. (ABBUC) 10/13
c/o Wolfgang Burger
Wieschenbeck 45
45699 Herten
Telefon: +49 (0) 23 66 / 3 96 23
Fax: +49 (0) 23 66 / 3 96 23
Vendor: Hardware, Software, Literature, Sound, Merchandise
Developer: (hardware) Monitor Cable RCA 0.7m, Monitor Cable 5m RCA,
Monitor Cables S-Video 0.7 m, Monitor Cable 2.5m S-Video,
Monitor Cables S-Video 5m, Monitor cable scart XEGS 1m,
Monitor cable 5m Scart XEGS,
Switching Power Supply (Europe) for Atari XL / XE / XEGS,
Switching Power Supply (international) for Atari XL / XE / XEGS,
Switching power supply universal
Jarek Adamski 6/11
Alltronics 2/15
2761 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara CA 95050
tel: 408 778 3868
FAX: 408 778 2558
Vendor: Atari Cable Din - to RCA and BNC connectors
Ambery 9/08
12335 Denholm Dr Ste E
El Monte CA 91732-3654
tel: 626-350-8956 or 626-698-6739 Mon ~ Fri (10:00AM to 4:00PM PST)
FAX: 626-771-0060
Developer: various Video to VGA/RGBHV converter scalers, see Connect your Atari to your PC monitor!
ArSoft (Arkadiusz Lubaszka) 7/11
Developer: Pajaki, Przekladanka, Arkadia, Life, ArLogo, Pojedynek, Inwazja,
Wojenne ABC, Zycie Maklera, Poszukiwacze, Smok, BASIC Editor +3M,
Bitwa Morska, RAMbo+, Super Biorytmy, Auto-'B'-Test, Pole Minowe II, Gielda,
ARK Operating System, Supgen, Koala-FWA Konwerter, Kolo Fortuny, CMC Player,
Pajaki II, The Multi-Lotek Maker, Hard Copy Text, SupGen 2000 1.00,
Odwracanka, Boot Config XF551, BCXF551.COM, Super Multi Filecopy, Hektor,
LineKiler, FontSelector, Atari Reader, SupGen 2000 2.00, EAN, Pingwinek,
Pingwinek Idzie Do Szkoly, Klony, Parachute, Parachute Deja vu, LarkaNoid,
ATASCII Squad, Integrator 2.1, Integrator 3.01, PAC-TXT, Kolony 2106,
Klony 2010, Mission: ArSoft, Octopus
Art Transfair Berlin (Andre Motzkus) 5/16
Brunsbuetteler Damm 223d
13581 Berlin
Developer: J.t.t.s.o.t.U., Amiga 500 Demo, You've got the Power,
Megaforce (I). Co-production: World of Wonders
Atari800 Emulator Developers 5/16
Petr Stehlik (maintainer), Perry McFarlane (core developer), Piotr Fusik
(core developer), Tomasz Krasuski (core developer), Mark Grebe (Mac OSX),
Kostas Nakos (Windows CE, Android), James Wilkinson (DOS, BeOS, Win32),
Christian Groessler (Sega Dreamcast), Andrey Dj (Raspberry Pi)
See also: Piotr Fusik
See also: Mark Grebe
See also: Christian Groessler
See also: Tomasz Krasuski
See also: Kostas Nakos
See also: James Wilkinson or
Developer: Atari800 version 3.1.0 (2014/04/12) -- emulator of Atari 8-bit
computer systems and the 5200 console for Unix, Linux, Amiga, MS-DOS, Atari
TT/Falcon, MS Windows, MS WinCE, Sega Dreamcast, Android and systems running
the SDL library..can be configured to run in the following ways: 1. 'simple'
version (many platforms) - uses only the standard C library, 2. curses (many
platforms), 3. X Window + Optional XVIEW or MOTIF User Interface, 4. CBM
Amiga, 5. MS-DOS (DJGPP), 6. Atari Falcon/TT and compatible machines, 7. MS
Windows (DirectX), 8. SDL (running on _many_ platforms), 9. WinCE, 10. Sega
Dreamcast, 11. JVM (Java applet), 12. Android
Atari8Warez (Ray Ataergin) 8/16
Toronto, Ontario
+1 647 407 7039
Vendor: hardware and software
Developer: SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB v3.3, SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB v3.1 Kit,
SIO2PC-USB v1.0, SIO2PC-USB v1.0 Kit, Poor Man's SIO Cable, AspeQt (Atari
Serial Peripheral Emulator for Qt) v1.0x for Windows or Ubuntu
AtariAge 1/14
Vendor: Castle Crisis by Bryan Edewaard, Beef Drop by Ken Siders (Kevin Savetz) 8/14
Vendor: exclusive software downloads: Simax Video Signmaker and Simax
Picture Disks by Jack Bellis; SCREENS by Joseph J. Wrobel; Slime, Fort
Apocalypse, and Dimension X by Steve Hales; Chicken, Nautilus, Protector II,
and Shadow World by Mike Potter; Dragon's TAIL (Toolkit And Integrated
Library) by Ed Churnside; Shark and OS/II by Matthew Stepka; Atari Program
Exchange (APX) titles: Lemonade, Preschool Games, Reversi, Newspaper Route
Management Program, Castle, Alien Egg, Sultan's Palace, Extended fig-FORTH,
Supersort, Lookahead, Dice Poker, Babel, Domination, Decision Maker, Terry,
Eastern Front (1941), Wizard's Revenge, Mapware, Diskette Librarian, Chameleon
CRT Terminal Emulator, Data Management System, Instedit, Pro Bowling,
Downhill, Blackjack Casino, DSEMBLER, T: A Text Display Device, Dog Daze,
Memory Match, Attank!, Insomnia (A Sound Editor), Enhancements To Graph-It,
Astrology, Weekly Planner, Family Cash Flow, Mathemetic-Tac-Toe, Ultimate
Renumber Utility, Stereo 3-D Graphics Package, Solitaire, Source Code For
Eastern Front (1941), Letterman, Number Blast, Advanced Musicsystem, Isopleth
Map-Making Package, Keypad Controller, Family Budget, Speed-O-Disk, Starware,
Instedit - Microsoft BASIC version, Midas Touch, Seven Card Stud, Rabbotz,
Algicalc, Polycalc, Family Vehicle Expense, Frogmaster, Galahad And The Holy
Grail, Cribbage, Mantis Boot Tape Development System, Math*UFO, Easygrader,
Message Display Program, Snark Hunt, Calculus Demon, Mankala, Monkey Up A
Tree, Deep Blue C Compiler, Game Show, Real Estate Cash Flow Analysis,
Diskmenu, Quarxon, Yahtman, Microsailing, BASIC/XA, Melt-Down, Deep Blue
Secrets, Magic Melody Box, I'm Different!, Air Raid!, Catterpiggle, Getaway!,
Punctuation Put-On, Drawit, Dandy, Home Inventory, Circuit Lab, Bootleg,
Smasher, Moon Marauder, Puzzler, Eastern Front Scenarios 1942 1943 1944,
Eastern Front (1941) Scenario Editor, Ringmaster, Excalibur, Cartoonist,
Bellum, Mastermatch, Weakon, Dog Daze Deluxe, Dragon's Quest or a Twist in the
Tail, Character Fun, Bumpomov's Dogs, Envision, Gossip, Erg
Publisher: authorized online editions of books: Digital Deli, Best of
Creative Computing volume 1, Best of Creative Computing volume 2, Best of
Creative Computing volume 3, The Creative Atari, Machine Language For
Beginners, Second Book of Machine Language, Mapping the Atari, Master Memory
Map for the Atari, De Re Atari, Atari Roots, Assembly Language Programming for
the Atari Computers, Atari Graphics and Arcade Game Design, Atari Player-
Missile Graphics in BASIC, Compute!'s First Book of Atari Graphics, Compute!'s
Second Book of Atari Graphics, Compute!'s First Book of Atari, Compute!'s
Second Book of Atari, Compute!'s Third Book of Atari, Computer Graphics
Primer, Computer Animation Primer, Inside Atari DOS, SpeedScript: The Word
Processor for Atari Computers, Electronic Computer Projects for Commodore and
Atari Personal Computers, Computer Controller Cookbook, Atari BASIC - A Self-
Teaching Guide, Atari Basic XL Edition, The Epson Connection: Atari XE/XL,
Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer, BASIC Computer Games, More BASIC
Computer Games, Big Computer Games, BASIC Computer Adventures, Artist and
Computer, Colossal Computer Cartoon Book. also: Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG
Archive, The Ol' Hackers Atari Users Group (OHAUG) Newsletter (1990-2000)
Atari Fan Store (Irek) 6/11
New York NY
Vendor: hardware including: SIO2IDE, SIO2SD ver. 2, IDEa (KMK/JZ)
Atari klub - SPHVT 4/15
Jizni 33
783 01
Czech Republic
Ic: 028 01 329
Publisher: FLOP disk magazine (annual; FLOP #58 published April 2015)
Atarimax (Steven J. Tucker) 11/12
tel: 216-577-8329
Developer: APE, the Atari Peripheral Emulator: APE and ProSystem v3.0.8 for
Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, APE & ProSystem 1.18 for DOS/Win3/95/98, APE Warp+ OS
32-in-1 Switchless Upgrade (2 versions: XL/XE except 1200XL/XEGS; 1200XL),
Imagic 1.06 95/NT - Atari Disk Image Conversion System (ATR/XFD/DCM/SCP),
Imagic 1.06 DOS, Atari Terminal Simulator ATS 2.0 (SR2) -ATASCII Telnet/Serial
Terminal & Break Movie Player 95/NT, Break Movie Screensaver 95/NT, Maxflash
Flash Cartridges (1mbit or 8mbit), Maxflash USB Cartridge Programmer Kit,
Maxflash Studio Software for Windows 1.7. SIO2PC/ProSystem Universal Interface
(6 versions: USB Interface w/ SIO Jack or w/ Terminals; Serial Interface w/
SIO Jack or w/Terminals; Dual Port USB Interface w/ SIO Connectors; Dual Port
RS232 Interface w/ SIO Connectors). Atarimax/ABBUC USB Cartridge, Atarimax
MyIDE-II CompactFlash Cartridge (includes 512kB Flash, 512kB SRAM,
Maxflash Studio and MyBIOS Support)
Atari Online News, Etc. 6/16
See: Dana P. Jacobson
The Atari Shop (Sandra) 4/16
The Netherlands
Vendor: new/used hardware, new/used commercial software
The Atari Times (Gregory George) 8/13
Publisher: The Atari Times Newsletter Compendium,
The Atari Times 2001 Year End Issue, The Atari Times 2002 Year End Issue,
The Atari Times 2004 Compendium, The Atari Times 2005 Compendium
Atlantis Games Group 6/10
(Sal 'Kjmann' Esquivel, TJ 'Damage X' Edmister, Gary 'Rybags' Ryan,
Zdenek 'Psuedografx' Eisenhammer, Peter 'peteofborg' Meyer)
Developer: Tempest Xtreem. In progress: Venture, OutRun
AV Toolbox 6/10
2791 Circleport Dr
Erlanger KY 41018-1080
Phone: 800-235-3280 or 859-647-1077
Fax: 859-282-8225
Developer: various video scalers (up-converters). Connect your Atari to
your modern high-resolution video display television or monitor!
Subject: B
B & C ComputerVisions (Bruce & Cathy Carso) 8/13
5917 Stope Way
El Dorado CA 95623-4716
tel: (530) 295-9270 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday (Pacific Time)
Vendor: new/used hardware, commercial/PD/freeware/shareware
Eric Bacher 5/16
See also: James Wilkinson
Developer: Dis6502 2.2 (Interactive 6502 Disassembler for Win32,
designed to specifically support Atari binary files; Win32 Port - 2005 by
James Wilkinson), MakeMenu 1.3 (AtariMax cartridge front-end)
Matthew Bacon 7/16
United Kingdom
Publisher: MyAtari online magazine (published October 2000 - February 2005)
BAKTRA Software (Michael Kalous) 4/17
Czech Republic
Developer: Turgen System 8.6.7 ('TURbo GENerating System'--converts files
to various turbo systems and also to standard tape records; output of the
program is a WAVE file, an electric signal on the output of the sound card, or
a tape image.; for JavaRE), XEX2CAS 2.4 (conversion of Atari DOS 2 binary
files to standard (FSK) tape records), mmSAP 3.2.5 (Slight Atari Player for
GNU/Linux), mmSAP-win32 2.1.4 (Slight Atari Player for Windows), Caverns of
the Lost Miner (game), Curse of The Lost Miner (game), jbxex (Java applet that
allows you to embed tokenized ATARI BASIC programs to binary files)
Richard Bannister 7/12
Developer: Rainbow v1.5.7 Atari 800 Series Emulator for Mac OS X (port of
Rainbow 1.4 by Chris Lam), Emulator Enhancer v2.4.0
Lee Barnes 8/12
Developer: MyDOS RAMdisk patches, Black Box ATASPI V0.42 ('Atari (Advanced)
SCSI Programming Interface'), Black Box ATASPI V0.41
Ullrich von Bassewitz (Uz) 2/12
Developer: cc65 2.13.3 - a complete cross development package for 65(C)02
systems, including a macro assembler, a C compiler, linker, librarian and
several other tools.
Matthias Belitz 6/11
See also: msc
Black Box ATASPI V0.40 ('Atari (Advanced) SCSI Programming Interface'),
ATASPI CDPLAY V0.20 (audio CD player), ATASPI MON V0.12 (SCSI monitor)
Brian Berlin 8/09
Developer: kat5200 0.6.2 -- Atari 5200 and 8-bit computers emulator for PC
Best Electronics (Brad Koda) 6/07
672 Commercial St
San Jose CA 95112-1406
Telephone: (408) 278-1070 (M-F 1:30pm to 5:00pm PST)
FAX: (408) 278-1092
E-FAX: (815) 364-3703
Vendor: new hardware, commercial software
Developer: 'XE' Touch keyboard upgrade for XE computers, Best Light Gun,
Best Gold CX40 Joystick PCB, Atari CX40 Joystick Rebuild Kit with Atari
Upgraded CX40 Handle and Best Gold CX40 PCB, Atari CX40 Joysticks upgraded
with the Best Gold CX40 PCB, Atari Jaguar Power Pad to Other Atari Systems
Adapter Cable, Sega Genesis Controllers To Atari Systems Adapter Cable,
Best CX30 Super Pots
Big Five Software (Bill Hogue, Jeff Konyu, Curtis Mikolyski) 5/15
Developer: Miner 2049er and Bounty Bob Strikes Back! Emulator for PC
BITS (SOLO)(Herman Samso J.) 3/14 or
Developer: tools & utilities: #1000 (20080312), #1600 (20140310 -
PIXeL PaINT). intros & demos: #1502 (20080314), #1503 (20100607),
#1504 (20110326), #1505 (20110317), #1506 (20110617), #1507 (20120319),
#1508 (20120616)
Bits of the Past (Dropcheck / Lenore Underwood) 8/14
Oklahoma City OK
Developer: 256K Memory Upgrade Kit, 4in1 OS Adapter, GTIA-PAL Adapter
(800/1200XL), GTIA-PAL Adapter (800/1200XL) Bundle, Reimaged Rambo XL 256k
Memory Upgrade, Reimaged Rambo XL 256k Memory Upgrade Combo, Reimaged Ramrod
XL Adapter, Reimaged Wizztronics 256k Memory Upgrade (ANTIC CO12296), Reimaged
Wizztronics 256k Memory Upgrade (ANTIC CO21697), Reimaged Wizztronics 256k
Memory Upgrade Combo (ANTIC CO12296), Reimaged Wizztronics 256k Memory Upgrade
Combo (ANTIC CO21697), Reimaged XF551 Disk Drive Controler w/Modern Power
Supply, Reimaged XF551 Disk Drive Controller w/Original Power Supply, Super
MMU Adapter (for an Ultimate Board or an intSDX board), Wizztronic Upgrade Kit
Dan Boris 11/15
Developer: Atari Disk Explorer for Windows XP or greater Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0 (Supports XFD and ATR disk image formats)
Grandovec Bostjan 2/12
Pot na Josta 27
4000 Kranj
Developer: Pantheon 0.412 (Atari 8-bit computers emulator with collection of
98 games; also emulates Atari 2600, 5200, 7800 with games for each)
Bravo Sierra Computers (BSC) (Ben Smith) 6/14
tel: (503) 256-9974 (24 hours)
email: or or or
Vendor: new/used hardware, new/used commercial software
Subject: C
Mario Caillahuz ('Allas') 10/10
Developer: Plague Attack, Voyage to Home, Accion, MULE Wars, Animal Party,
Jewel Bits
Candle (Sebastian Bartkowicz) 5/14
See also: SIC! crew
Developer: SimpleStereo, IO-Board, VideoBoard XE (VBXE), SIDE Project,
SIC! Cartridge, Ultimate1MB, Incognito
Gray Chang 8/13
Developer: Dog Daze, Claim Jumper, Dog Daze Deluxe, Bumpomov's Dogs
Rafal Ciepiela (bob_er) 9/12 or
Developer: Franny 1.1.3 (ATR disk image editor), Yvonne 1.0 (Atari picture
viewer), ZooEY 1.4 (6502 crossassembler compatible with Quick Assembler)
Classic Computer Magazine Archive (Kevin Savetz) 9/13
Publisher: authorized OCR'd editions of: Antic (all 88 issues), STart (all
42 issues), Creative Computing (35 issues), A.N.A.L.O.G. (10 issues), Compute!
(98 issues), Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games (both issues), Hi-Res
(all 4 issues), ROM (all 10 issues)
Computer Games Plus 5/12
PO Box 6144
Orange CA 92863-6144
tel: (714) 639-8189
Vendor: new/used commercial software, books, small selection of hardware
Cloud-9 (Mark Marlette, Boisy Pitre, Aaron Wolfe) 5/12
3749 County Road 30 SE
Delano MN 55328-8137
Developer: Liber809 (Motorola 6809 microprocessor upgrade for the Atari
Computer Software Services (CSS) 7/16
See: NLE Computer Software Services (New Life Electronics CSS)
Contiki (Adam Dunkels, Fredrik Osterlind, Oliver Schmidt) 8/15 Contiki v2.5 Configuration & Download for Atari August 2015 build
Developer: Contiki for the Atari 8-Bit Computers (with a Dragon Cart).
'Contiki is an open source operating system for the Internet of Things.
Contiki connects tiny low-cost, low-power microcontrollers to the Internet.'
Nick Coplin 7/12
Perth, Western Australia
Developer: 64JPX - JoyPad eXpander - Use your favourite Sega, SNES, NES or
PCanalog controller with your Commodore or Atari compatible system
Cosine Systems 11/13
(T.M.R The Magic Roundabout [Jason Kelk], Sack [Adam Hay], Odie [Sean])
United Kingdom
Developer: C.G.M. UKScene Radio Intro (30th August 2003),
1K Party (21st March 2004), Reaxion (31st December 2005),
Greetz0rz (18th March 2012), Brainpower (24th April 2012),
Callisto (28th October 2012), Battle Eagle (27th October 2013)
C.P.U. (Raster, JirkaS, Bob!k, HonzaW) 4/09
See also: Radek Sterba
Czech Republic
Developer: S/XEGS RAMCart 128KB version 'G1.04 FIX3+',
STEREO upgrade for XL/XE, SDrive - connects to Atari XL/XE's serial (SIO)
port and simulates an Atari floppy disk drive with full read/write access to
programs and data stored on a Secure Digital flash memory card (SD),
SDrive Control Program v01 20090403
Preston Crow 10/15
Developer: binload v2.5 (with Chad Wagner - Atari binary load format file
analyzer), atr2unix v1.2 (with Chad Wagner - Extract files from an Atari DOS
or MyDOS .ATR file), unix2atr v0.9 (Extract files from a Unix directory
tree and create a MyDOS ATR-format disk image file), dcmtoatr v1.4
(written by Chad Wagner), MyDos Binary Menu, SIO2Linux 3.1.0 (with Pavel
Machek - a rewrite of SIO2PC software for Linux), DISK 4.0 (sector editor
and more)
Jorge Cwik 8/08
Developer: VAPI Atari 8-bits Imaging & Preservation format (.ATX) and
tools: Patched Emulator (based on Atari800Win PLus 4.0 Beta 3) +
VAPI DLL 0.3a, VAPI2SIO (SIO2PC for VAPI) 0.2a
CyberRoach Publishing (Hans Reutter) 12/13
Seattle WA
Publisher: authorized digitized edition of A.N.A.L.O.G. 400/800 Magazine
(1981-1982), ANALOG Computing (1982-1989)
Subject: D
Rudy Delvaux (Dearhorse from Shadow Team) 4/16
Developer: AtariTools-800 0.6.5 (CHAR-Edit + SCREEN-Editor + PM-Editor +
GR-Editor + TTF ATARI Fonts + 4 PDF docs + samples for the 4 tools)
Device Side Data 4/10
Developer: FC5025 (USB 5.25' floppy controller - as of Feb. 2010 included
software (Linux/Mac/Windows) supports reading Atari DOS 2 disks)
DGS (Dean Garraghty Software) 5/15
United Kingdom
Vendor: commercial/PD/freeware/shareware: DGS Atari 8-bit Software Pack
Commercial Software Collection, containing:
- The Quick programming language V2.2 and V2.1 with 2 support disks
- Screen Aided Management (SAM) v1.25i 80-col desktop system with Budget
spreadsheet, Designer DTP package, and Extra Utilities
- 4 PPP Games: Bombi, Rubberball, Glaggs It!, and Minesweeper
- Quick Ed (a character set editor for ST-compatible mouse, joystick, or
Atari touch tablet)
- Digi-Studio digitized sounds/music package
- Issues 1-14 of the DGS News-Disk disk-based magazine
- Issues 15-19 of the DGS News-Paper printed magazine (scans of the original
- Issues 20-26 of the DGS News-Paper-on-disk on-disk magazine
- News-Paper Yearly disk (to go with the News-Paper magazine - includes lots
of Quick source code)
- Print-Filer from Rambit
- Bonus Software: MyDOS 4.5, Discomm32, UTIL (PC utility to read/write 180K
MyDOS Atari disks)
Also offered via email: Quick Programming Language, Print-Filer from Rambit,
Alien Blast, RubberBall, Glaggs It!, Bombi, Minesweeper, PPP Games Pack
File Transfer Service: transfers files between Atari and PC
Dial Group (Jager, Zenon) 8/14
Developer: DOS Control v2.6 (08.11.2005). demos: MayDay!, Smells like a
cream?, What is love?. utilities: TwoCol v1.0, D-Font View v1.1, D-Sample
v1.0MS, D-RAM v1.1, X-RAM v1.0, DocView Maker v1.0, D-Trans v0.9, Short Test
v1.2, Moj Cartridge v0.1, TOMS Multi Drive ROM-disk Maker, ProgBaza v1.5,
Double RAM-Cart. games: Dreszcz - Fighting Fantasy Game. system: Scene
Register v5.0.
Publisher: Serious Magazine (disk mag), #1(1998)-#17(2005)
Diggerbonk 5/12
Developer: Droid800 Version 7.5 (Jan 2011 -- port of Atari800 emulator
for Android)
DigitalDinos (Thomas McLaren) 6/10
6087 Hopkins Rd P.O. Box 472
Mentor OH 44060-2207 Mentor OH 44061-0472
(440) 339-8538
Vendor: used hardware, used commercial software
Digital Force (Mario Trams) 4/16
Developer: HyperSpeed XL/XE (public domain hardware project-- a
65C816 Processor Extension for the ATARI XL/XE)
Florian Dingler (Flo) 12/08
Developer: Ice-Hockey (for MultiJoy interface, March/April 2002),
Sheep-Race (for MultiJoy interface, Aug 2002),
CardGrabber (for MultiJoy interface, May-Aug 2002),
Peripheral Test 2.0 (Hardwaretester) (Dec.2008)
DLT Ltd. (Draco, Lizard, Trub, Innuendo, GoodByteXL) 7/16
See also: Konrad M. Kokoszkiewicz
See also: trub
Poland or or
Developer: SpartaDOS X 4.48 with Toolkit (23 Jul. 2016), SDX Imager 3.0.7
(Windows utility), SDX2Atrax converter (Windows command-line utility), MUXTIME
(SDX version), Emu-pack v.0.2, S2I (a SIO2IDE-specific tool), S2S (a SIO2SD-
specific tool), MNT (a KMK/JZ IDE 1.0 / IDEa specific tool)
Jim Drew 11/14
Developer: SuperCard Pro (for PC) -- make backup copies of 5.25' or 3.5'
floppy disks (including any Atari disk) directly to another disk, or store
the data as a flux image file (.scp)
Duckology ( EdwardianDuck / Jeremy ) 5/15
United Kingdom
Developer: Sudoku Solver Version 0.3 (10 February 2015)
Krzysztof Dudek (xxl) 7/14
Developer: games: Apple Invaders, Chopin2010, Deathchase XE, Flowers Mania,
Galaxian, Hobgoblin, Isora, Jet Set Willy 2007, Jetboy, Knight Lore, Loops DX,
Loops of Zen, MazezaM, Night Driver Arcade, Nightshade, Scorpions,
Scorpions v2.0, Sudoku, Sudoku Sweep, The Nutty Professor. applications:
All Beep'em, Beep'em All II, All Beep'em III, Beep'em All IV, Beep'em All V,
Happy New Year 2013, Inverse, Marry Christmas Beep, Pixels, SlightSID Player,
xBIOS, xShow,, zXEmulator. Hobgoblin II Configurator.
Mark Dusko 8/11
Developer: Atari 8-Bit Ethernet Project: IP Dragon II, Dragon Cart.,
Simple Atari Telnet
Subject: E
Edladdin Controllers (Ed Kelly) 2/17
PO Box 987
Athens GA 30603-0987
Developer: Super 78, Super Twin 78, Supreme 78: All-Play 4/8,
Supreme 78: All-Leaf, Game Controller Extension Cord
Gene Ehrich - 'Computer & Video Game Garage Sale' 4/16
PO Box 3365
Spring Hill FL 34611-3365
Vendor: used hardware, used commercial software
Eight Bit Fix (Paul Westphal) 1/15
Portland, OR
Vendor: hardware, new/used commercial software
Repair shop.
Eli's Software Encyclopedia 1/11
Vendor: commercial software
Emulators (Derek Mihocka) 10/15
14150 NE 20th St Ste 302
Bellevue WA 98007-3700
Developer: Gemulator 9.0 Community Release - Atari 8-bit & Atari ST & Apple
Macintosh Plus emulator for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008, Xformer
2000 8.0 - 8-bit Atari emulator for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000, PC Xformer
Classic 3.8 -8-bit Atari emulator for MS-DOS, ST Xformer 3.0 - Atari 8-bit
emulator for Atari ST GEM
Energy (online zine) 11/09
See: Taquart
Raphael Espino 8/07
United Kingdom or
Developer: Ramdrive v1.0 (DOS-independent ramdisk utility), Atari 8-bit
JPEG Viewers: a8jdpeg 0.8 (14Sep02) 'The original Atari 8-bit interface',
JpegView 0.9 (17Oct03) 'A friendlier menu oriented version of a8jdpeg',
JpegShow 0.1 (07Aug01) 'A slideshow version',
CpegView 0.5 (18Aug07) 'The colour JPEG viewer for Atari 8-bit computers' 2/11
2303 Englewood Ave
Yakima WA 98902-1649
Vendor: new hardware. 'Original Atari Sevice Parts. New Old Stock.'
Excel (Robert Stuart) 6/16
United Kingdom
Publisher: Xcel (print magazine, 2016- ; earlier disk magazines also
Subject: F
Fandal (Frantisek Houra) 10/16
Czech Republic
Developer: Sturbon Intro, FreeCellXE, TriPeaksXE, HexxagonXE, Astro Road,
Cubico, The Storm, A Tribute to Quorthon, Bombex, The Steam Train,
Astro4 Road, Mysterion Preview, Mind Blast, Outlaw, Swapz,
Who Lost the Wallet?, Space Arena, Pokey Demo, Music Disk Stereo Edition,
MJ-R.I.P., Diamondz, Prototype, Milk Nuts v.1.11, Mashed Turtles,
Oilgame Deluxe, Deflektor Editor, Mahjong XE, Rubacka vo kopec,
Space Arena M4, Tajemny amulet, Broad's Revenge, Jezkovy voci, Muxeso
Wolfram Fischer (Mega-Hz) 8/13
Dorfstrasse 1a
28870 Ottersberg
Vendor: SIO2IDE, SIO2SD rev.1, SIO2SD rev.2, SIO2SD rev.3, SIO2PC
Developer: ASCB (ABBUC SIO Connector Board), mega-mem, Stereo Prototyp 2008,
Stereo Small 2010, MEGAMAX Modul, Atari Quarz 14.18757 Mhz,
512K Speichererweiterung, THE!CART Modul
FLOP disk magazine 8/14
See: Atari klub - SPHVT
Fly Software (Peter Svoboda) 9/12
Czech Republic or
Developer: Antiseno 2008cz, Day After One, Demo 2001, Gangsters 2007
Gangsters Intro, Indiana Jones 3 aneb Tajemstvi Svateho Gralu,
Indiana Jones a zlata soska keltu, Kolony 2106, Kolony cz, Logik,
Maturita 2001, Mesta CR, Mesta SR, Milk Nuts, No Name, Podraz 2001,
Pomsta Sileneho Hulice, Robbo after 20 years v1.1, Ruleta,
Rychle Sipy 2012 aneb Zahada hlavolamu, Sniper, Sniper 2007, Sniper Intro,
Stary dum, Strategi, Textovky, V.U. 5259 aneb Utek z Hejcina,
V.U. 5259 aneb Utek z Hejcina intro, Vietnamska Mise
John Foskett 8/11
United Kingdom
Developer: Rose Gardens, Turbo Assembler Version IV, Atari CAD, The Cave,
Ye Olde House, Where Dinosaurs Rule, Space Fighter, Crazy Ball,
Crazy Ball - Updated, Anagrams, Battle Ships, Four Card Blind Hookey,
Atari Electronic Organ, Disk Sector Editor, The Sound Selector,
Basic Listing Searcher, Constant to Variable Converter
Piotr Fusik / 'Fox' / '0xF' 7/14
See also: Atari800 Emulator Developers
See also: RECOIL (Retro Computer Image Library)
See also: Taquart
See also: Yoomp!
Developer: Bumpong (Pong version based on the bump mapping effect),
look-around (One kilobyte intro), zlib6502 (6502 inflate routine), st2vbxe
(Viewer of Atari ST/Falcon pictures for Atari 8-bit with VBXE), datamatrix6502
(Data Matrix barcodes in 6502 assembly language), sv2014a8invitro (Silly
Venture 2014 Invitation), xasm 3.1.0 for Windows, OS X, Ubuntu and Fedora
(2014-07-20; 6502 cross-assembler with original syntax extensions), Another
Slight Atari Player ASAP 3.2.0 (2014-06-23; a player of 8-bit Atari music for
modern computers and mobile devices)
Subject: G
Bostjan Gorisek (Firemover, Firemover/Diomedes, Gury) 9/15
Developer: Effectus 0.2 for i386-win32 or i386-Linux, Sprite Engine v.1.0.4,
Slovenian Quiz, Slo-Quiz 4k, Don't Angry 5K, Air Threat, AtGr3
GR8 Software (Arek 'nosty' Staworzynski) 9/12
Publisher: Hobgoblin, Robbo Forever, Bomb Jake, Isora & Loops DX,
Line Runner
Mark Grebe 7/16
See also: Atari800 Emulator Developers
Developer: Atari800MacX 4.6.0 (12-29-2011; version of Atari800 emulator
for Mac OS X), Sio2OSX 2.1.1 (variation of APE or SIO2PC for Mac OS X)
Christian Groessler 8/15
See Also: Atari800 Emulator Developers
Developer: Atari800DC 0.78 (Atari800 emulator for SEGA Dreamcast),
Contiki 1.0 web browser build for Atari
Subject: H
Steve Hales 5/09
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Developer: Slime, Fort Apocalypse, Dimension X
Jonathan Halliday (flashjazzcat, RIF Software, Atari8 Software) 9/16
145 Wenlock Road
South Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE34 9AL
Developer: Ultimate 1MB BIOS and SIDE Loader (12-09-16), Incognito BIOS and
SIDE Loader (12-09-16), XEX Loader for SIDE and SIDE2 (12-09-16), IDEa APT PBI
BIOS 0.3, APT Toolkit and SDX 4.47 for IDE Plus, SIDE/SIDE2 Soft Drivers For
SpartaDOS X, MyIDE/Flash, Internal MyIDE and MyIDE 2 Soft Drivers For
SpartaDOS X, APT Hard Disk Toolkit Rev.5, Atari 8-bit Graphical OS (2015-03),
The Last Word 3.3, UFlash 1.28
Lee Hanken 7/16
United Kingdom
Developer: ATASCIIView Version 1.3 for Windows PC,
ATASCIIView for Mac, ATASCIIView (.Net Version).
Nathan Hartwell 6/11
Developer: Atari-Debug/MiniASM v1.11 (12/19/2000), Atari-MON (.asm source,
self-test replacement), PAMP (play AMP files), IDE (12/09/00; driver for
SmartIDE project; adds GET_CONFIG), 16-bit IDE project (based on SmartIDE
project), PBI 16-bit IDE project (based on SmartIDE project), IDE_NKH.ASM
(12/19/00; driver for SmartIDE project; adds support for several hardware
modifications), The Mage's Magic Handler Version 2.20 (RS-232 driver
designed for the PSI Upgrade), PSI-Disk (RAMdisk?), DG-Term 1.87
Hasbro, Inc. 2/15
1027 Newport Ave
Pawtucket RI 02861-2539
tel: 401-431-TOYS (8697)
Developer: instructions for Parker Brothers Super Cobra (search: 'atari')
Frank G. Heuser 8/13
Developer: SIO-PC Interface (APE / SIO2PC compatible), 1050-PC Interface
(ProSystem/SIO2PC compatible), BIOS Umschalter (OS Switch),
PC Tastatur Interface (PC Keyboard Interface), MIDI Schnittstellen
(MIDI Interfaces), Sprachbox (Voice board with phoneme-chip and software
from Atari Magazin article), Zusatztasten F1-F4 (Additional Keys F1-F2,
as on 1200XL), Monitorkabel universal (SCART - CHICH - KLINKEN),
130XE RAMDISK 256kB (memory upgrade), other accessories
HiassofT 3/15
c/o Matthias Reichl
Wolfgangerstr. 26
A-4820 Bad Ischl
Developer: AtariSIO for Linux V0.30-140227 (package contains: a Linux
kernel driver; atariserver - an Atari disk drive emulator similar to SIO2PC or
APE; atarixfer - a small tool to read/write ATR images to an Atari disk drive
connected by a 1050-2-PC or ProSystem cable), Atari Tools for Win32 V0.30-
140227 (dir2atr, adir, and ataricom from AtariSIO package, compiled as a Win32
console application), AtariDsk V1.2 (read, write and format DD 180K Atari
disks on the PC), WriteAtr V0.92b (2003-07-24; write double density ATR-images
to Atari floppy disks on your PC; also create ATR-images of double density
floppy disks), MyPicoDos V4.05 (2010-11-25; small 'gamedos' that can read COM,
EXE, BIN and BAS files; supports MYDOS subdirectories and large disks), MyIDE
Tool V0.30 (2007-11-11; direct access to harddrives in MyIDE format on your
Linux/Windows PC), Highspeed SIO patch for XL/XE OS and MyIDE OS V1.30 (2010-
11-25; extends the SIO routine of the OS to support: Ultra speed ( Happy 1050,
Speedy, SIO2PC, ..) up to 126kbit/sec, 1050 Turbo, XF551, and Warp speed
(Happy 810) ), 512k SRAM extension for Atari XL/XE V1.3 (2010-12-14), Turbo
Freezer XL/XE 2011, Turbo Freezer XL/XE 2005, SDrive Highspeed SIO firmware
2009-07-05 (for the SDrive by Raster / C.P.U.), The!Cart CPLD logic, The!Cart
flasher and cartmenu software 2014-04-07, Mega Speedy CPLD logic 20141123,
Mega Speedy flasher and config drive ROM V1.00a-20150304
His Dark Majesty 5/11
Jakub Debski (Ilmenit), Marok, Adam Powroznik (Powrooz), Jakub Husak,
Krzysztof A. Ziembik (Kaz)
Developer: His Dark Majesty
Frederik Holst (Phobotron) 12/14
Germany (MidiJoy)
Developer: Enrico, Enrico II, Floppy Bird, Mad Marbles, PC/XL Convert,
Phantastic Journey, Phantastic Journey II, Scare Monger,
The Special Edition of Scare Monger,
MidiJoy - use an Atari computer as a live MIDI instrument
Tom Hudson 10/15
Developer: Planetary Defense 2012
Stephen James Hurd (deuce) 9/16 and
Developer: SyncTERM 1.0. A cross-platform ANSI-BBS terminal designed to
connect to remote BBSs via telnet, rlogin, or SSH.
Full Atari 8-bit ATASCII support.
Subject: I
IEC ('Innovative Electronics & Computing') 7/16
6185 E 56th Ave
Commerce City CO 80022-3959
Phone: +1-303-288-5000
(USA) 800-765-4432 Mon-Fri, 8:00AM-6:00PM MT
Fax: +1-303-288-5099
Services on Demand
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Print version ISSN 0034-8910On-line version ISSN 1518-8787
Original Article
Health belief model for coronavirus infection risk determinants
I Departamento de Psicologia Experimental . Instituto de Psicologia . Universidade de São Paulo . São Paulo , SP , Brasil .
II Núcleo de Neurociências Aplicada . Universidade de São Paulo . São Paulo , SP , Brasil .
To use the advantages of a ratio scale with verbal anchors in order to measure the risk perception in the novel coronavirus infection, which causes covid-19, in a health belief model-based questionnaire, as well as its validity and reproducibility.
We used the health belief model, which explores four dimensions: perceived susceptibility (five questions), perceived severity (five questions), perceived benefits (five questions), and perceived barriers (five questions). Additionally, we included a fifth dimension, called pro-health motivation (four questions). The questions composed an electronic questionnaire disseminated by social networks for an one-week period. Answers were quantitative values of subjective representations, obtained by a psychophysically constructed scale with verbal anchors ratio (CentiMax ® ). Mean time for total filling was 12 minutes (standard deviation = 1.6).
We obtained 277 complete responses to the form. One was excluded because it belonged to a participant under 18 years old. Reproducibility measures were significant for 22 of the 24 questions in our questionnaire (Cronbach’s α = 0.883). Convergent validity was attested by Spearman-Brown’s split half reliability coefficient (r = 0.882). Significant differences among groups were more intense in perceived susceptibility and severity dimensions, and less in perceived benefits and barriers.
Our health belief model-based questionnaire using quantitative measures enabled the confirmation of popular beliefs about covid-19 infection risks. The advantage in our approach lays in the possibility of quickly, directly and quantitatively identifying individual belief profiles for each dimension in the questionnaire, serving as a great ally for communication processes and public health education.
Key words: Coronavirus Infections, prevention & control; Coronavirus Infections, psychology; Risk Reduction Behavior; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Neste estudo buscamos utilizar as vantagens de uma escala de razão por ancoragem verbal para medidas da percepção de risco de contágio pelo novo coronavírus, causador da covid-19, em um questionário baseado no modelo de crença em saúde, assim como avaliar sua validade e reprodutibilidade.
Utilizamos o modelo de crença em saúde, o qual explora quatro dimensões: percepção individual de susceptibilidade percebida (cinco questões), severidade percebida (cinco questões), benefícios percebidos (cinco questões) e barreiras percebidas (cinco questões). Adicionalmente, incluímos uma quinta dimensão, a qual denominamos motivação pró-saúde (quatro questões). As questões definiram um questionário eletrônico que foi divulgado por redes sociais pelo período de uma semana. As respostas foram valores quantitativos de representações subjetivas, obtidas por meio de uma escala psicofísica de razão com ancoragem verbal (CentiMax ® ). O tempo médio total de preenchimento foi de 12 minutos (desvio-padrão = 1,6).
Obtivemos 277 respostas completas ao formulário. Uma foi excluída por se tratar de participante com menos de 18 anos de idade. Medidas de reprodutibilidade foram significantes para 22 das 24 questões de nosso questionário (α de Cronbach = 0,883). A validade convergente foi atestada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman-Brown split half (r = 0,882). Diferenças significantes entre grupos foram encontradas mais intensamente nas dimensões susceptibilidade percebida e severidade percebida, e menos intensamente para benefícios percebidos e barreiras percebidas.
Nosso questionário baseado no modelo de crença em saúde utilizando medidas quantitativas permitiu evidenciar as crenças populares sobre os riscos de contágio por covid-19. A vantagem de nossa abordagem é a possibilidade de se identificar os perfis de crença individuais para cada dimensão do questionário de forma rápida, direta e quantitativa, podendo ser uma grande aliada em processos de comunicação e educação em saúde pública.
Palavras-Chave: Infecções por Coronavirus, prevenção & controle; Infecções por Coronavirus, psicologia; Comportamento de Redução do Risco; Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde
In recent years, several viruses have drawn the medical and scientific community attention for presenting great risk to international public health. Among them are the coronaviruses, with great international projection due to the severe respiratory syndromes they cause, with middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) being the best known 1 .
A recent outbreak of human infection by a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, now named SARS-CoV-2) has been reported in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Until January 10, 2020, there were 41 reported cases for SARS-CoV-2 infection between December 8, 2019 and January 2, 2020 2 . Due to the rapid virus spread through different Chinese cities, on February 13, 2020 the Chinese government announced 59,901 patients with a concordant diagnosis of pneumonia and 1,368 people killed by the novel coronavirus infection. Then the World Health Organization (WHO) officially named the 2019-nCoV infection coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) 3 , 4 .
As a result of the easy mobility across countries, covid-19 cases spread to other countries rapidly and intensely. This has led authorities from several countries to adopt non-pharmaceutical control measures to avoid transmission, such as social isolation. Some countries, such as Italy and Spain, have faced difficulties in population adhesion to the measure. Brazil has adopted similar strategies to control the virus transmission. Such populational difficulty in adhesion to behavioral controls may likewise occur in our country.
Therefore, understanding the determinants responsible for people’s resistance to protective measures against the virus spread is of great importance for the effectiveness of social isolation-based public policies, avoiding or reducing non-adherence to the proposed social controls. We expect the health believe model to help finding determinants for such behavior.
The health belief model is a tool developed to explain patient’s behavior in the face of an illness or the risk of falling ill 5 . It was developed in the 1950s and considers that positive factors increase pro-health behaviors while negative factors decrease or inhibit them. 7 Thus, to adopt a health care behavior and/or avoid risks for diseases, the patient must: (1) believe to be susceptible to the disease; (2) believe that the disease will negatively impact, at least moderately, their life; (3) believe that adopting certain behaviors is indeed beneficial to reduce their susceptibility or, if they already have it, its severity; (4) overlap important psychological barriers, key for a successful prevention or treatment 8 , 10 , 11 . Among other uses, this model has been successfully applied to assess diabetes severity 12 , analyze protective factors for bulimia 6 find determinants for oral health care 13 and study different cultures perception on dementias 11 .
Therefore, this study aims to use the expanded health belief model to map the profile of our population in view of the behavioral controls imposed by covid-19 in our country. To increase the ability to analyze the responses, we have used a psychophysical scaling methodology by ratio measurement, by a Borg CR® ratio scale with verbal anchorage (centiMax ® ) 14 . This methodology showed to be highly efficient regarding ratio measurements acquisition as it facilitates quantitative responses for anchoring the corresponding verbal descriptors. Our experiments showed that the use of ratio scales with verbal anchors improves significantly the sensitivity and quantitative measurement of major depression scores 19 . Studies within the literature usually base the belief model on ordinal measurements, obtained through a Likert-type scale 5 , 20 . A considerable innovative advance in our study is the use of a quantitative ratio scale 21 . Thus, there is a higher amount of information obtained, enabling the use of quantitative and statistical tools of high predictive power, unlike ordinal scales, which restrict information to frequency levels with mode and association non-parametric analyses.
The collection period was from March 17 to 24, 2020. The collected demographic data consisted of sex, age, schooling level, type of health system used, annual income, marital status, ethnicity or race, transportation system used to daily locomotion and chronic diseases.
Answers were obtained using a digital form disseminated in social networks (REDCap), characterizing a convenience sampling and snowball recruitment method. After explaining the experiment purpose, age was inquired. If the participant was under 18 years old, page was automatically redirected to the appreciation for the participation message. If they were older than 18, they could follow to the page containing the informed consent form. Once it was accepted, instructions were provided and testing began. Total time spent for questionnaire completion was 12 minutes (standard deviation [SD] = 1.6). The study follows the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its revised versions.
Participants were consulted about their beliefs and knowledge regarding covid-19 contamination. The questionnaire consisted of 24 questions. Perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits and barriers contained five questions each, besides four additional questions regarding behaviors and attitudes aimed at improving general health, which we call pro-health motivation.
Perceived susceptibility corresponds to knowledge and belief about coronavirus infection probability (e.g., “based on my overall health, my chance of catching coronavirus disease is..”). Perceived severity investigates the personal belief regarding individual suffering of the disease process and intensity of symptoms (e.g., “if I caught coronavirus disease, the chance of getting too impaired to do my daily activities would be..”). Perceived benefits concern the effectiveness of the behavioral mechanisms adopted to prevent the infection (e.g.: if I wear a mask, the chance to catch coronavirus disease by walking in the street or at work is..”). Perceived barriers approach the difficulties in respecting norms and instructions for protection and avoidance of coronavirus infection (e.g., “I think the possibility of using alternative transportation to come and go from my job instead of public transportation is..”). We expanded the original model by including the item pro-health motivation, which presents questions adopted for general health improvement (e.g., eating habits, exercise routine, etc.).
The responses obtained were numerical values of a ratio scale with verbal anchors, derived from the centiMax scale 14 , 24 that represents perception ( Figure 1 ). This scale enables a direct quantitative measure of the participant perception degree on a psychophysical ratio scale 22 , 25 , 26 . The advantage of this quantitative method with verbal anchors is that qualitative descriptive anchors help participants to quickly locate the region of numeric scale values, in Cmax units, that represent their perception. Up from this point, a numerical value is chosen, always seeking the choice that indicates the most accurate representation.
Figure 1 Illustration of the Borg CR ® (centiMax ® , CR100) ratio scale, in which anchored adjectives enable a quick access to the numerical region representing its intensity/magnitude perception (Borg & Borg, 2002; Borg et al., 2010). Scale and instructions can be obtained at Authorized use.
Participants were instructed to choose the number that best represented the question-related perception, guided by the descriptors. Values could be integers or even contain decimals. It was crucial that the numerical information was as accurate as possible in representing participant’s perception or behavior.
Data Analysis
The Statistica (version 10.2, Statsoft, Tulsa, USA) program was used for statistical analysis. An asymmetry test was performed to establish the necessary condition for parametric statistics, i.e. normality. Although centiMax ® ratio scale has been successfully used to study different health conditions such as major depression 19 , fatigue and shortness of breath 27 , physical exertion 15 and chest pain 28 , it has not yet been applied in studies of purely psychological variables. Therefore, it is important to test some psychometric parameters. For reliability, we used split-half correlations with Spearman-Brown’s correction, Cronbach’s α for internal consistency and total items statistics to identify possible variables with low contribution to the questionnaire. We also calculated the standardized alpha, the reliability if we used standardized values (transformed into z score) for the items in cronbach’s α calculation. Repeated measures variance analysis was used to investigate the association between scale dimensions and sociodemographic characteristics, such as income level, type of health system and transportation system used to daily locomotion, through statistics F. Effect size was measured by h 2 . Spearman’s correlation was performed among scale values and demographic data on age, schooling level and income to attest to our measure convergence validity. To illustrate the possible added value of proportion data, belief profiles on coronavirus infection were built.
Our study collected data from 277 participants. The responses of 276, aged between 18 and 76, of both sexes (women = 197) were used. The excluded response was given by an 11-year-old participant. Table 1 shows the summary of the demographic data of the sample.
Table 1 Demographic data of the sample (N = 276)
Participants’ characteristics | Percentage (n) |
Age | 40.3 (13.6) a |
Sex | |
Men | 29% (79) |
Women | 71% (197) |
Ethnicity or race | |
White | 77% (213) |
Mixed race | 13% (37) |
Black | 2.3% (7) |
Yellow (Asian) | 7% (17) |
Indigenous | 0.7% (2) |
Marital status | |
Single | 43% (119) |
Married/Common-law marriage | 48% (132) |
Divorced/widowed | 9% (25) |
Schooling | |
Graduate studies | 42% (117) |
College | 33% (91) |
Some College | 18% (49) |
Secondary education | 5% (14) |
Some secondary education | 0.5% (1) |
Some / primary education | 1.5% (4) |
No formal education | 0 |
Monthly household income | |
Over 10,001,00 | 28% (76) |
Between R$ 5,001.00 and R$ 10,000.00 | 31% (85) |
Between R$ 3,001.00 and R$ 5,000.00 | 21% (59) |
Between R$ 1,001.00 and R$ 3,000.00 | 19% (52) |
Less than 1,000.00 | 1% (3) |
Locomotion transportation | |
Public transportation | 37% (101) |
Private vehicles (taxi, apps and alike) | 7% (16) |
Personal vehicle | 49% (135) |
Walking | 7% (16) |
Chronic diseases | |
Arterial hypertension | 10% (27) |
Diabetes mellitus | 7% (18) |
Immunodeficiency disorders | 12% (33) |
Respiratory disorders | 6% (11) |
None | 65% (179) |
Health system used | |
Public | 32% (88) |
Private | 68% (187) |
a Mean (standard deviation)
Table 2 shows the descriptive measures of the sums for the answers of each belief model dimension. Mean values are similar, ranging between 52.5 (SD = 31.6) for the pro-health motivation dimension and 26.6 (SD = 23.0) for perceived benefits.
Table 2 Mean, standard deviation and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of belief model dimensions.
Dimension | Mean | Standard deviation | 95%CI |
Perceived susceptibility | 39.5 | 29.8 | 37.9–41.1 |
Perceived severity | 41.7 | 33.8 | 39.9–43.6 |
Perceived benefits | 26.6 | 23.0 | 25.1–28.0 |
Perceived barriers | 48.3 | 40.0 | 46.2–50.4 |
Pro-health motivation | 52.5 | 31.6 | 50.6–54.4 |
Questionnaire Analysis
We performed an analysis of reproducibility for the questions of each belief model dimension. Initial values showed a very good cronbach’s α (αC = 0.817) as well as standardized α (αP = 0.821), and a low correlation among the items (r = 0.168), suggesting a great independence of the questions ( Table 3 ). However, for question 3 of perceived benefits and question 1 of perceived barriers, item-total correlation values were very low (r = 0.06 and r = 0.08, respectively), suggesting they interfere negatively in our scale.
Table 3 Mean, correlation and Cronbach’s α values per item before and after BeP3 and BaP1 removal.
Questions | Mean | Standard deviation | Item-total correlation | α | Mean | Standard deviation | Item-total correlation | α |
Initial form | Final form (no BeP3 and BaP1) | |||||||
SuP1 | 950.2 | 301.9 | 0.53 | 0.78 | 871.3 | 287.9 | 0.57 | 0.81 |
SuP2 | 957.6 | 301.3 | 0.47 | 0.78 | 878.7 | 287.3 | 0.51 | 0.81 |
SuP3 | 959.8 | 304.6 | 0.36 | 0.79 | 880.9 | 291.0 | 0.39 | 0.82 |
SuP4 | 965.4 | 304.1 | 0.52 | 0.78 | 886.8 | 290.9 | 0.54 | 0.81 |
SuP5 | 954.5 | 307.8 | 0.37 | 0.79 | 876.0 | 295.1 | 0.36 | 0.82 |
SeP1 | 950.5 | 303.7 | 0.38 | 0.79 | 872.2 | 290.8 | 0.39 | 0.82 |
SeP2 | 963.3 | 302.3 | 0.54 | 0.78 | 884.9 | 289.5 | 0.54 | 0.81 |
SeP3 | 951.5 | 301.3 | 0.49 | 0.78 | 873.2 | 288.6 | 0.49 | 0.81 |
SeP4 | 956.1 | 299.8 | 0.58 | 0.78 | 877.5 | 287.0 | 0.59 | 0.81 |
SeP5 | 956.2 | 308.3 | 0.37 | 0.79 | 877.4 | 295.2 | 0.38 | 0.82 |
BeP1 | 985.1 | 313.8 | 0.34 | 0.79 | 906.3 | 300.9 | 0.36 | 0.82 |
BeP2 | 974.5 | 309.7 | 0.32 | 0.79 | 895.8 | 296.9 | 0.33 | 0.82 |
BeP3 | 983.4 | 316.3 | 0.06 | 0.80 | - | - | - | - |
BeP4 | 962.6 | 306.8 | 0.38 | 0.79 | 884.2 | 294.2 | 0.37 | 0.82 |
BeP5 | 945.6 | 304.1 | 0.42 | 0.78 | 867.0 | 292.2 | 0.40 | 0.81 |
BaP1 | 933.3 | 307.7 | 0.08 | 0.82 | - | - | - | - |
BaP2 | 977.0 | 313.2 | 0.11 | 0.80 | 897.9 | 299.4 | 0.14 | 0.83 |
BaP3 | 948.2 | 306.0 | 0.22 | 0.80 | 869.6 | 293.5 | 0.21 | 0.83 |
BaP4 | 931.6 | 305.6 | 0.31 | 0.79 | 852.7 | 292.8 | 0.31 | 0.82 |
BaP5 | 949.1 | 311.7 | 0.15 | 0.80 | 870.4 | 300.1 | 0.11 | 0.83 |
MoS1 | 928.2 | 306.5 | 0.38 | 0.79 | 849.2 | 293.9 | 0.37 | 0.82 |
MoS2 | 951.3 | 305.3 | 0.39 | 0.79 | 872.6 | 292.4 | 0.40 | 0.81 |
MoS3 | 948.7 | 304.8 | 0.43 | 0.78 | 870.3 | 291.9 | 0.44 | 0.81 |
MoS4 | 948.2 | 303.9 | 0.37 | 0.79 | 869.8 | 290.6 | 0.39 | 0.82 |
PSU: perceived susceptibility; PSE: perceived severity; PBE: perceived benefits; PBA: perceived barriers; PHM: pro-health motivation.
Note: The numbers represent the question numbers for each model dimension. Values are in units of the centiMax scale ® .
After the removal of these two questions, our scale showed a better cronbach’s α than the previous one (αC = 0.883), exceeding the 0.800 value. This allows to presumpt the high efficiency of the scale, since it represents 80% of the population expected variability. Likewise, standardized α presented a slight improvement (αP = 0.834), and the low correlation among items was maintained (r = 0.179), certifying an excellent internal consistency. Subsequent analyses were performed without the presence of these two questions.
The scale reproducibility was estimated by Spearman-Brown’s split half coefficient. The values found suggest a high correlation (r = 0.882), confirming a high convergent validity for our scale.
Comparison between Groups
The analysis of variance of the grouped scores of the items of each belief model dimension showed differences for perceived susceptibility regarding: type of transportation, in which urban transportation presented higher mean values (44.0) than personal vehicle (36.1) and walking (30.2) (F = 5.21; p = 0.003; h 2 = 0.014); household income, in which participants with income lower than R$ 1,000.00 presented mean values (16.4) significantly lower than all other income groups (F = 3.44; p = 0.008; h 2 = 0.009); and different severe illnesses, in which participants with autoimmune diseases (83.1) and diseases affecting the immune system (42.8) presented higher values than other diseases and those without severe illness (F = 3.13; p = 0.008; h 2 = 0.022).
For perceived severity, schooling level showed a significant difference (F = 2.79; p = 0.016; h 2 = 0.012), in which participants with complete secondary education (47.9) and incomplete (72.3) presented higher values than those with higher schooling level. Within the group with severe illness, participants with systemic arterial hypertension (47.9) and diseases affecting the immune system (47.8) reported higher values, whereas those with autoimmune diseases had lower values (22.5) than other groups (F = 10.79; p < 0.001; h 2 = 0.022).
Perceived benefits dimension was significant for different participants regarding the health system used (F = 4.32; p = 0.037; h 2 = 0.007), as participants who used private health systems (21.5) presented higher values than those who used the public system (18.2).
Perceived barriers were the last dimension to present significant differences among participants (F = 3.79; p = 0.004; h 2 = 0.014), in which public transportation users presented lower values than others groups. Significant differences regarding participants’ sex were not found, nor were significant correlations between age and scale responses.
Individual Profile
CentiMax scale ® enables a directly and quickly graphical analysis of each participant. Figure 2 shows the profile of two participants who present the sum values of the scale items practically equal (participant A – 45.9; participant B – 45.7). However, different beliefs regarding covid-19 can be clearly identified. The vertical line in the value of 50 scale units represents the high perception of the item in question. From an application perspective, Figure 2 shows how our questionnaire associated with ratio scale use provides a quantitative and refined gradation, enabling the participant to express their respective perceptions and intensities with a higher level of detail when compared with other ordinal or nominal scales.
Figure 2 Representation profile on the belief of coronavirus infection (causing covid-19) for classification in centiMax scale ® units (Cmax) of the intensity of risk perception for two people with very similar sum scores (A = 45.7 and B = 45.9 units; risk chance self-declared as high). Vertical line at 50 units indicates a “high” infection risk perception on the scale (see Figure 1).PSU: perceived susceptibility; PSE: perceived severity; PBE: perceived benefits; PBA: perceived barriers; PHM: pro-health motivation. The numbers represent the question numbers for each model dimension. Values are in units of the centiMax scale ® .
Our study successfully fulfills our objective of quantitatively mapping risk behaviors perception in view of the coronavirus infection risk through the use of the health belief model associated with a verbal anchors psychophysical scale, enabling a detailed representation of individual perceptions. This approach has proved to be very efficient, by identifying in participants with the same value of risk perception very different profiles within the variables.
The results identified that some factors are significantly important to understand risk perception. The type of transportation used to get around on a daily basis significantly affects risk perception. Public transportation users perceive a greater contamination susceptibility than personal vehicle users and those who do their activities by foot. The same greater susceptibility perception was found in people with very low income and individuals with autoimmune diseases and diseases that affect the immune system (allergies and rheumatism, for example).
These findings are important sources of information for adopting public policies that seek the widest possible scope. The perception that using public transportation results in a higher covid-19 contraction risk than private and personal transportation is positive. However, the use of collective private vehicles, such as transportation apps, presented a great variability and, thus, did not differ from any of the groups. Therefore, we understand this is an interesting target audience to provide more information regarding contagion risks. Low income was also an important factor and should be seen in a complex way, as it is associated with reduced information quantity and quality, housing conditions that favor contamination and difficulty in interrupting daily activities due to economic reasons.
A fact that drew our attention was that people with diseases associated with a higher covid-19 contraction risk, such as diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension, 1 , 3 do not present a significant different susceptibility perception to contamination risk in comparison with the group of people without self-reported chronic diseases. A possible explanation is that these patients are mostly asymptomatic and remain with a stable and clinically controlled disease, behaving as individuals without chronic diseases. Such result allows us to develop information dissemination policies emphasizing or even particularly targeting this risk group.
Regarding intensity of symptoms and characteristics of disease progression, participants with the lower schooling levels in our sample (some and secondary education) showed greater concern with possible symptoms, because their perceived severity representations were higher than in other schooling levels. The perception of greater symptom severity may lead these group to seek health services earlier. This problem is currently at stake due to the risk of unnecessary covid-19 exposure, as well as other serious diseases, by visiting health institution without real need.
Another curious result for severity perception was obtained regarding chronic diseases. Participants with systemic arterial hypertension and diseases affecting the immune system registered higher susceptibility than other groups. However, participants with autoimmune diseases reported significantly lower values than others, suggesting that precautions taken for the treatment and care of their chronic diseases are being positively perceived as protective factors to the exposure. The type of health system used had an impact on benefits perception regarding the access and treatment in case of covid-19. Public system users were less benefited in comparison with participants who use private health systems.
Results obtained through individual profiles enable highly informative and direct quantitative analyses. For example, if we look at question 1 of the health motivation item in Figure 2 , we notice that participant A believes 30 units that the behavior of washing their hands prevents the infection by the virus. Participant B believes 120 units that this behavior is beneficial. For being a ratio scale, we can directly state that participant B believes four times more than participant A in the effectiveness of washing hands as a healthy behavior that should be encouraged or increased. When comparing question 2 of the perceived severity item, participant A believes twice as much in the chance of presenting severe symptoms and complications as participant B. If a Likert-type scale of 5 points were used, in the first case, the result would have been too high (or value 5, if a numerical score) for participant B and low (value 2) for participant A. In the second case, participant A would present a moderate result (or value 3) and participant B a low result (value 2). In this example, there is a clear difference between the use of a ratio scale and an ordinal scale, whose sensitivity and resolution impair the actual identification of participants’ representations.
It is also significantly important to discuss the methodology used in this study. The health belief model was developed over 60 years ago 8 , 9 and is applied in several areas of health – such as ophthalmologist education 29 , study of behavioral aspects in eating behavior psychiatry 6 , use and abuse of illicit injectable drugs 30 , clinics for diabetes mellitus and endocrine 12 , among others. However, the customary use of this model includes open or semi-structured questionnaires, using Likert-type scales to perform psychological dimension measurements. Our study is a clear advance in the use of this model, as it applies a ratio scale with verbal anchors, allowing ratio measures and, therefore, presenting a high-potential information detailing in a quantitative manner. This methodology is noteworthy because even a good questionnaire may have its information gathering potential greatly impaired if an inadequate or low information capacity metric is used. S.S. Stevens’ work on psychological measurement and psychophysical scaling 21 , 23 expanded our understandings on metric possibilities applied into the psychological universe. Likert-type scales are ordinal and, hence, positional. Their descriptors solely indicate orders and are unable to designate the distance among them. Therefore, ordinal scales use nonparametric statistical measurement such as mode, frequency, association and categorical correlation. Estimating medians on Likert-type scales, although the order is numerically represented, is a fundamental measurement error. On the other hand, measurements within ratio universes, for presenting an absolute origin of mathematical continuums, enable higher-order statistics. Our study, therefore, presents a high information quality and objective metric.
Our group is already experienced in constructing psychophysical measurement and scaling of interval and ratio orders for studies of various psychological continua , such as symptoms profile in patients with major depression 19 , sexual attitudes 31 and color concept 32 . We encourage the use of these psychophysical scaling models, especially verbal anchors scales, because they are easy to apply and to understand the task to be performed. In addition, they are associated with quantitative measurements of high capacity for information, intervals and ratio. Such factors foster a great potential for more detailed and quantitative studies in public health, which, like psychology, commonly faces complex characteristics of human behavior regarding prevention issues as well as health and illness risks.
Our study presents some evident limitations, which may have impacted some of the results. Our sample presents a thickening in moderate- and high-income populations, which may affect the sample representativeness. Therefore, subsequent studies should seek to correct this social heterogeneity within the sample.
In conclusion, our health belief model-based questionnaire associated with a ratio scale with verbal anchors is an important instrument to understand the population perception on coronavirus infection risks in a quantitative manner, much more detailed and informative than the commonly applied questionnaires models and psychological metrics, such as Likert-type ordinal scales. The graphical analysis grants a quick access to the individual profile, enabling the development of information strategies and more individualized approaches, which will certainly have a greater impact on communication efficiency.
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Received: March 26, 2020; Accepted: March 31, 2020
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