Victoria 2 Westernize Cheat
- Victoria 2 Research Points Cheat
- Victoria Two Cheats
- Victoria 2 Westernize Cheats
- Victoria 2 Westernize Cheats
- Victoria 2 Westernize Cheat Codes
Victoria 2 How To Westernize 8/10/2019 While playing the game, press Alt + Keypad 1 + Keypad 2 to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press Enter to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Nov 08, 2016 Subscribe for more game cheats and unlocks for new games as they release! Star Trek Online - Captain your own ship and enter the Rise of Discovery! Play Free on PC, PlayStation®4, and Xbox One. Our Victoria 2 Trainer is now available for version 3.04 and supports RETAIL. Our Victoria 2 message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats. Re: Victoria 2 v3.04 Steam (GM and More) Post by Gunteraz » Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:59 pm Vcitoria 2 doesn't even have ironman so you can just open up the console and type in 'money 1000000' or whatever amount you want without the need for any messy scripts and whatnot.
Victoria 2 Research Points Cheat
Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, press [Alt] + [Keypad 1] + [Keypad 2] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Extra money | cash |
Extra prestige | prestige |
Goods and money, defaults to 1000 if no value specified | goods [number] |
AI and others controlled by AI respond favorably to requests | yesmen |
Buildings completed in one day | instantconstruction |
Research completed in one day | instantresearch |
Officer points; can recruit as many as desired | leadership |
Set countries plurality | plurality [number] |
Switch to different country | tag [country code] |
Socialist government available | event 1000 |
Communist government available | event 1001 |
Anarcho-liberal government available | event 1002 |
Fascist government available | event 1003 |
Gain prestige or improve relations with neighbors | event 4402 |
Gain support for extended subsidy or acceptable minimum wage | event 3403 |
Lose militancy | event 4305 |
Lose consciousness or gain social reform, no unemployment subsidy, or gain social reform extended subsidy | event 3401 |
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Start a new game with any country. The best choice is the one that is currently occupying the unselectable country that you want to play as. Note the provinces and their current owner. For example, assume you want to play with Croatia. Croatian provinces belong to Austria at the start of the game. Use a text editor to edit the files in the 'historyprovincesaustria' directory in the game folder. All the Austrian provinces' files each have a number. The Croatian files are from 770 to 782 (for example, '771 - Zagreb.txt'). Open each file, and they should have entries similar to:
- owner = AUS
- controller = AUS
- add_core = AUS
- add_core = CRO
- add_core = HUN
- add_core = YUG
- trade_goods = timber
- life_rating = 35
Change the owner and controller to your country's code (for example, CRO). Start the game, and you should now be able to select Croatia at the beginning.
Victoria Two Cheats
Cheat CodesVictoria 2 Westernize Cheats
While playing the game, press [Alt] + [Keypad 1] + [Keypad 2] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Extra money | cash |
Extra prestige | prestige |
Goods and money, defaults to 1000 if no value specified | goods [number] |
AI and others controlled by AI respond favorably to requests | yesmen |
Buildings completed in one day | instantconstruction |
Research completed in one day | instantresearch |
Officer points; can recruit as many as desired | leadership |
Set countries plurality | plurality [number] |
Switch to different country | tag [country code] |
Socialist government available | event 1000 |
Communist government available | event 1001 |
Anarcho-liberal government available | event 1002 |
Fascist government available | event 1003 |
Gain prestige or improve relations with neighbors | event 4402 |
Gain support for extended subsidy or acceptable minimum wage | event 3403 |
Lose militancy | event 4305 |
Lose consciousness or gain social reform, no unemployment subsidy, or gain social reform extended subsidy | event 3401 |
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Start a new game with any country. The best choice is the one that is currently occupying the unselectable country that you want to play as. Note the provinces and their current owner. For example, assume you want to play with Croatia. Croatian provinces belong to Austria at the start of the game. Use a text editor to edit the files in the 'historyprovincesaustria' directory in the game folder. Router wifi works but ethernet doesn't. All the Austrian provinces' files each have a number. The Croatian files are from 770 to 782 (for example, '771 - Zagreb.txt'). Open each file, and they should have entries similar to:
Victoria 2 Westernize Cheats
- owner = AUS
- controller = AUS
- add_core = AUS
- add_core = CRO
- add_core = HUN
- add_core = YUG
- trade_goods = timber
- life_rating = 35
Victoria 2 Westernize Cheat Codes
Change the owner and controller to your country's code (for example, CRO). Start the game, and you should now be able to select Croatia at the beginning.