Sims 2 Teen Pregnancy Mod

Sims 2 Teen Pregnancy Mod 8,8/10 9614 reviews

Children Mods

1.) Bed Wetting– Love this. Gives children who have either low aspiration or were not potty trained to receive a memory of wetting the bed. Can go to teenagers too if they wet the bed as a child.
2.) Children can get bottles for their siblings. The mod itself only works on Maxis made fridges
3.) Curb All Auto Read To– Your Sims won’t try to self read to children or toddlers unless you instruct them to do so.
4.) Be nice to teddy– this a mod that removes the “Slam” animation from the random set of animations used when a child or toddler plays with any of the teddy bears. So now your little kiddies won’t seem to have such violent tenancies!! This updates the semi-global animations used and will also apply to any custom content teddy bears.
5.) Toy Mod– This mod makes it so that sims increase their skills while playing with toys and while being read a book. The rate of skill gain is pretty slow.
6.) Children Say Goodbye-Allows children to say goodbye to guests.
7.) Kid Collection Fix– Fixes bugs causing nighttime walkbys to invite themselves into your home.
8.) No Hyperactive Children– Children will no longer be in run mode after aging up from toddler.
9.) Children Less jumping on beds– This mod reduces the energy & comfort drain for children while they are jumping on beds it also increases the fun gain and has motive stop to prevent them from jumping on the bed all day.
10.) Watch Kids Enabled For All Houses– This mod allows sims to ask their friends to watch their kids on all home lots.
11.) No Kids In Double Beds Patch– This affects all double beds in the game and prevents younger children from sleeping in them.


Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod. In the sims 4 games, woohoo option is only available for adult and elder sims, teen sims can’t get woohoo and try for baby interaction. The sims 4 teen pregnancy mod bypass this restriction. Now you can have a teen marriage, pregnancy, and have a romance with all ages. I'm showing you how to get teen pregnancy in The Sims 4 with this mod JOIN THE SQUAD MY 'MODS FOLDER' https://itsmetr. Sep 18, 2018 - Sims 4 CC Mods: Pregnancy For Teens and Get Engaged Mod V2 from MSQ Sims. Sims 4 Downloads. Sep 18, 2018 - Sims 4 CC Mods: Pregnancy For Teens and Get Engaged Mod V2 from MSQ Sims. Sims 4 Downloads. The Pregnancy Mega Mod is a team effort - a combination of existing and new mods written by java7nerd and Scumbumbo repackaged and designed to be mega easy to use.

Teen Mods

1.) Prom + After School Activity– Another new variety that you can give to your sim. Now your teen sim can experience prom and do after school activity
2.) Less Zits– This is a global mod that lowers the hygiene threshold below which zits could appear. In original coding Sim teens are at risk of getting zits if their hygiene drops below 75%, so less than 3/4 full hygiene bar. There are two variations on offer.
3.) Runaway Skills– Runaway teens no longer get their skills randomized, potentially lowering high skill levels. Instead they slowly build skills during the time away from the house. Teens will get 1/20 of a random skill point every hour they are gone. This averages a total of 1.2 skill points per day, though it may not be immediately visible since these points are divided among multiple skills.
4.) Visiting Children & Teens Stay Later– This mod allows visiting children to stay until 12 am & teens to stay until 2 am.
5.) Find Roommate Enabled For Teens– This mod allows teens to find roommmates via the news paper, computer, and phone.
6.) Single living teens can Go out / Sneak out– This small hack enables single living teens to Go out (available from 6pm to 10 pm) and to Sneak out (available from 10pm to 12am).
7.) Teenagers May Adopt Babies, Toddlers & Children– With this hack, teenagers may now adopt babies, toddlers & children. It does not matter if the teenager lives with his/her parents or alone; the adoption will work in any case. The hack aims at those players who do not have a teen pregnancy hack like InTeenimater installed. If you already have such a hack that allows teenagers to get pregnant, you do not need this hack
8.) Extracted Inteen Risky Sneak/Go Out– Makes it so sneak/go out sometimes results in a pregnancy between the two sims who snuck/went out together. By default it’s 25% for sneak, 10% for go, but you can increase/decrease this (or set one to zero if you only want risky sneak out or risky go out). Useless without some mod(s) supporting teen conception and pregnancy: wildchild, RCC + CJH’s pregnancy controller, etc.
9.) Extracted Inteen Risky Runaway– Teens who run away may return home pregnant by an attractive stranger or a close friend with whom they are either romantically involved or physically attracted to. Selection of the “father” and odds of becoming pregnant are weighted by relationship scores, chemistry/attraction, lifetime aspiration, gender preference, fertility, living environment, and chance.
10.) Independent Teens-With this mod 7 days before their birthday a notification will pop-up saying your teen sim has graduated and is now independent, the game will recognize them as adults. If you typically wait until the game forces your sim to age up instead of directing them to age up some time in the 24 hours between getting the notification and then… well, that doesn’t really work if you’ve got independent teens, because they’ll skip straight to elder. In fact, this mod is ideally meant for people who typically have their sims age up ASAP or at least the same night they get the “1 day until birthday” notification, because otherwise the independent teen will be pushed to go to school the next morning.

Ah, the birthing process of a lovable Sim.

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too short, while some Sims make you wish the baby was born already.

Regardless of which type of Sim you have, it’s always fun to better every aspect of the game.

I’ve managed to compile a list of mods that improve pregnancy in the game, in one way or another. I originally intended to add more mods to this list, but most of the pregnancy mods that I came across simply weren’t good enough to make the cut.

So I’ve filtered the best mods all related to pregnancy and ranked them here for you fellow Sims lovers!

Be aware that some of these mods are not particularly light-hearted. Each does serve a purpose and you’ll find them useful in one of two ways: by adding a bit of difficulty to the game, or simply by helping your Sim pass her pregnancy in a much more comfortable way.

Also yes, there are mods that allow male Sims to undergo pregnancy. There are way too many to tell which one is the best so just have a look in Google and pick your favorite from there. I’m just pointing this out in case you’re interested in installing one of those!

10. Instant Morning Sickness

This mod removes the mood that your female Sims get when they’re pregnant that warns you about morning sickness.

I mean, it doesn’t make sense for it to be warned, right?

In real life, women have to deal with sudden puking. And so should your Sim!

This is one of the mods that increase the difficulty, as I said in the intro of this article. But they also make the game feel more realistic. Give it a go if you dare.

9. Bad Parent Trait

Not everyone wants to be a parent.

In fact, some people rejoice on the fact that they don’t have to raise children of their own.

This is a trait that makes your Sim be happy when children are not born, and it’s a great complement to add to the game as a different perspective of pregnancy and what happens when it fails.

Maybe one of your Sims might be happy that the baby wasn’t born while the other might be devastated.

How will they deal with the situation?

Just one of many fun traits you can add into your Sims 4 experience.

8. Pregnancy Mega Mod

First of all, bear in mind that this mod is not meant to be fair.

It’s just an add-on that allows you to fully control how pregnancies work and how will they go.

If you want to cancel a pregnancy, you can.

Or you can even set the number of babies that will be born and their genders.

It’s a great mod if you wish to play god for a bit… but trust me – if you’re looking for a vanilla safe or a traditional legacy playstyle, this isn’t the way to go.

Still fun to take full control every so often though.

7. Shorter/Longer Pregnancy Mod

If you don’t have MC Command Center installed but you still wish to have the ability to control pregnancy times, then this mod might be ideal for you.

You will be able to manually set the pregnancy time of women to change to any given amount that you want.

Adapt pregnancies to your own preferred length of play with this amazing add-on!

6. Sims 4 Risky Woohoo

Sims 2 Teen Pregnancy Mod Jenflower's Teen

The Risky Woohoo mod, as the name suggests, add certain risks to having sex in The Sims 4.

Some sims might be infertile, while others can be extremely fertile.

Yes, extremely fertile. Welcome to the future of gaming.

Sims 2 teen pregnancy mod

You can even have babies with ghosts if you want!

This mod is meant to add some spiciness to the game world by introducing more risks to pregnancy and intercourse.

A great mod overall, but not as complex as others on this list. Although a not-too-complex mod might be just what you’re looking for.

5. Teen Pregnancy Mod

Well this mod is just what the name suggests.

It allows teenagers to have sex in the game. I know what you’re thinking and no, this isn’t illegal because TECHNICALLY teens can be 18+.

Also they’re digital and not real people.


And this still feels a bit wrong, but hey to each their own.

Maybe you’re a teen yourself and you know what you’re doing. Or maybe you want to recreate a Sims version of Teen Mom. Who knows!

Sims 4 Teen Mods

This is still one of the most popular mods in the community and it needs a spot on my list.

4. Impregnate with Simray

Let’s jump straight into something a bit more lighthearted, shall we?

This mod allows you to use the SimRay by altering its “transform” function and turning it into “impregnate”. Driver license barcode format.

Basically, you can shoot a baby inside a woman without having her woohoo or anything like that.

God this Sims-speak is really getting to me…

Let’s call this a puritan way in which you can have pregnancies to work in The Sims 4, as wrong as that may sound.

3. MC Command Center

If you want to edit the length of pregnancies and other stuff related to how pregnancy works in the world of The Sims 4, I think there’s no better mod for you to download than the MC Command Center.

This gives you access to a control console where you’ll be able to alter most aspects of the game.

In fact, just download this mod and toy around for 5 minutes. You’ll thank me later.

2. Pregnancy Mood Buffs

Everyone feels different about pregnancy. And this mod allows you to choose how your Sim will feel while they’re expecting a baby.

Maybe they are embarrassed to be pregnant, or maybe they will be sad or anxious. Zapfdingbatsitc free font.

It’s up to you to decide, like the god that you are.

1. Wicked Whims

I know that Wicked Whims has always been associated with sex over anything else.

But trust me, this mod has evolved to become the best addition to a Sims game in quite a while.

The newer relationship changes make establishing relationships a much more crucial part of the game. And pregnancies become a whole other issue with the addition of menstrual cycles.

A fantastic addition that also serves a good purpose for the adult-aged Sims lover.

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