How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Mac
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Select a beginning point that is lower than or equal to both the lower spec limit and the min value calculate bin intervals in Excel by taking the beginning value + the bin width, + the bin width, etc. Round the calculated values if desired select an ending point that is higher than or equal to both the upper spec limit and the max value. Enter your bin number interval. Type into the 'Bin width' text box the value of an individual bin number, then press ↵ Enter. Excel will automatically format the histogram to display the appropriate number of columns based on your bin number. For example, if you decided to use bins that increase by 10, you would type in 10 here.
A histogram is a type of chart that uses rectangular bars to represent frequencies. It’s a helpful way to visualize the distribution of data values.
This tutorial explains how to create and modify histograms in Stata.
How to Create Histograms in Stata
We’ll use a dataset called auto to illustrate how to create and modify histograms in Stata.
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Mac Download
First, load the data by typing the following into the Command box:
We can get a quick look at the dataset by typing the following into the Command box:
We can see that there are 12 total variables in the dataset.
Basic Histogram
We can create a histogram for the variable length by using the hist command:
hist length
Histogram with Frequencies
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Macro
By default, Stata displays the density on the y-axis. You can change the y-axis to display the actual frequencies by using the freq command:
hist length, freq
Histogram with Percentages
You can also change the y-axis to display percentages instead of frequencies by using the percent command:
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Machine Learning
hist length, percent
Changing the Number of Bins
When you use the hist function in Stata, it automatically tells you how many “bins” it used. For example, in the previous examples it always used 8 bins:
However, we can specify the exact number of bins by using the bin() command. For example, the following code tells Stata to use 16 bins instead of 8:
hist length, percent bin(16)
We can also tell Stata to use fewer bins:
hist length, percent bin(4)
Notice that the more bins you use, the more granularity you can see in the data.
Adding a Normal Density to a Histogram
You can add a normal density curve to a histogram by using the normal command:
hist length, normal
How to Modify Histograms in Stata
We can use several different commands to modify the appearance of the histograms.
Adding a Title
We can add a title to the plot using the title() command:
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Mac 2011
hist length, title(“Distribution of Length”)
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Mac Free
Adding a Subtitle
We can also add a subtitle underneath the title using the subtitle() command:
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Mac 2017
hist length, title(“Distribution of Length”) subtitle(“n = 74 cars”)
How To Modify Bin Width For A Histogram In Excel Machine
Adding a Comment
We can also add a note or comment at the bottom of the graph by using the note() command:
hist length, note(“Source: 1978 Automobile Data”)